👨‍💻 Mes aventures de développeur



👨‍💻 Mes aventures de développeur

IEM Group
2016 - now

📱 Completely redesigning and rewriting flagship mobile application in React-Native over legacy APIs.

  • Car parking solution used in 50+ cities in 4 different countries, 100k+ downloads.
  • Real-time on-street parking availability visualization and integration with Google Maps

⚙️ Developping scalable APIs for IEM internal usage (microservices) and external partners involved in parking and smart cities.

  • More than 10 partner companies served IEM services through APIs
  • Building strong Node.JS experience along with overall JavaScript knowledge and programming practices (Test-driven and business-driven developpement, DRY, code conventions...)

👮 Developpement of a parking enforcement platform.

  • One of the biggest IEM milestones: since 2018, over 50+ french cities are handling their own enforcement system (Post-parking package).

🛠️ DevOps: Amazon Web Services, Gitlab...

  • High-availability and scalability for thousands daily connections
  • Configuring and using AWS cloud solutions like Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, EC2, S3 and more...
  • Pipeline configurations for continuous integration and developpement (CI/CD) with Gitlab

🧠 Ideas & conceptual design as a part of IEM's business and technical evolution

  • Being critical about code & architecture and providing technical expertise in R&D and team workshops.

⛹️‍♂️ Playing in a growing developpement team

  • Pair programming and knowlegde sharing between team members.

🍻 Surviving Oktoberfest in 2017...

  • Courtesy of IEM Group and all my collegues celebrating in Munich that year.
Pfeiffer Vacuum
2015 - 2016

📝 MS SharePoint integration for internal documentation and process signature workflow, under the german HQ supervision.

  • Big project commissionned by german Pfeiffer Vaccuum headquarters.
  • Working with an external consulting firm.
  • Communication practice in reporting to german IT HQ, local management and different actors involved.
Conseil Général
May 2014 - July 2014

🌳 Developping an informative portal about waste & energy management in Haute-Savoie, France.

  • University internship. Direct interaction with the client.
  • Iterative, tracer-bullet like developpement cycle.
  • Had fun making an interactive map with Raphael.js library and QGIS exports.